Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this.

Answer then the following.

1. List down the ethics for computer usage.
  • The integrity of the systems must be respected.
  • Privacy of other users must not be intruded upon at any time.
  • Users must recognize that certain data are confidential and must limit their access to such data to uses in direct performance of their duties.
  • The rules and regulations governing the use of facilities and equipment must be respected. Persons responsible for computing devices connected to the network will ensure that those devices are maintained in a secure state in accord with related policy.
  • No one shall obtain unauthorized access to other users' accounts and files.
  • The intended use of all accounts, typically for university research, instruction and administrative purposes, must be respected.
  • Users shall become familiar with and abide by the guidelines for appropriate usage for the systems and networks that they access.
2. WHat common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization?
  • "Everyone else does it."
  • "They'll never miss it."
  • Nobody will care."
  • The boss does it."
  • No one will know."
  • "I don't have time to do it right."
  • "That's close enough."
  • "Some rules were meant to be broken."
  • "It's not my job."
this ethical violation should be knows so that we could minimize those bad manners that are not really needed in the company even ourselves who trully responsible for anything.all the information mentioned above is really important.


3. How does ethics affect the decision making of mangers?

ans: the decision making of managers is really affect to the nature of the relationship between a small business firm and its customersd. Consequently, it is highly susceptible to the debilitating and potentially disastrous consequences of unethical is because if the managers there's something to do his own company which is really giving them a high quality of services to the customers and have good relationship their clients maybe their business must be stay longer.

4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics. You may check as example the problem of pre-need insurance companies in the Philippines.

a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem.

ans: the members of the Chief Financial Officer’s Financial Leadership Team (collectively, the “Senior Financial Officers”) having a problem regarding those related corporate disclosure, conflicts of interest, insider trading, and the protection of confidential information.
b. How was this resolved?
Ans: they could resolved their problem if the senior financial officer must be focus on his career as a leader of their team.but also he must be minimized his conflict of interest of work.

c. Who were affected?
Ans: in the problem of campbell soup company.who were affected on that problem is that those their employees and customers of the company which the senior financial officer has a conflict of interest when his or her personal interests, relationships or activities, or those of a member of his or her immediate family, interfere or conflict, or even appear to interfere or conflict, with Campbell’s interests.

d. What were the damages?
ans: the name of the company ,the employee's who were totally give their best a good employee of the company, and to the customer.
Cite your reference.

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